WhatsApp Doodles for Wallpapers

First spotted by reputable tipster WABetaInfo, the messaging giant is planning to offer you more control over wallpapers used in chat windows. The new feature will either see you apply a solid color wallpaper (same as those seen with the rollout of the dark mode at the start of this year) or ‘Add WhatsApp Doodles’ to the wallpaper. You can see the difference between the two styles right here:

Easy Access to Business Catalogue

WhatsApp is also set to make it easier for general masses to access a catalogue built by business users. The chat window for businesses will soon carry a new ‘shopping bag’ icon at the top, next to the calling icon. Tapping this icon will let you see the products available with a particular business. Currently, you need to head into the profile of the business to know whether they have created a product catalogue.

Single Call Button

Since the catalogue shortcut will take the place of one of the calling options – voice and video, WhatsApp is experimenting with a single call button. It looks exactly like the button you have in group chats at the moment. But, instead of asking you to select the members you want to call, it will show you the audio and video call option in a pop-up window. This will ease reachability while offering businesses a quicker way to showcase their products to potential users. All of these features are currently under development. You will not be able to try them out in the latest Android or iOS beta builds. There is also no word on when WhatsApp will make these features official.

WhatsApp Beta for Android Hints at New Call Button  Catalogue   Doodles Feature - 42